Karin Herzog, Osmosis Skin Care, Pure Skin Junkie, and PCA Skin all have excellent products for the treatment of rosacea. When you have roseaca, it is imperative that you kill the bacteria and hydrate the skin. One without the other will not work. If you just kill the bacteria, you will be dry. If you just hydrate, you will still have breakouts, because you have not killed the bacteria.
In Osmosis, Mend is their starter product to get your skin adjusted to the Osmosis line for rosacea. When your skin is acclimated to the Mend, you may move up to the Calm. I have clients that have suffered from Rosacea or years, that now have clear skin.
Karin Herzog products also hydrate and kill the bacteria. Her products contain oxygen that is so healing. Oxygen Face Cream, Vita A Kombi 1 are excellent for rosacea. Very healing and calming to the skin.
Pure Skin Junkie has Chill Out. Chill Out is great for rosacea. That along with the Cellular Serum. Use a gentle cleanser and Chill Out.
PCA Skin has Nutrient Toner, which has hundreds of vitamins mostly derrived from the Pumpkin. Clearskin and Rebalance will help heal and hydrate the skin.
To purchase these products please go to my website.
Posted in Karin Herzog, Osmosis Skin Care, Oxygen Products, PCA Skin, Rosacea Tagged: Calm, cellular serum, Chill Out, Clearskin, Karin Herzog, karin herzog skin care, Mend, Nutrient Toner, Osmosis products, Osmosis Skin Care, oxygen face cream, Oxygen Products, PCA Skin, products for rosacea, Pure Skin Junkie, Rebalance by PCA skin, Rosacea, vita a kombi 1